Monday, February 25, 2008

Another blast from the past

Heliotrope and Melrose, ca. 2000


Panic One! said...

This wall has survived for quite sometime now. Fresh!

seeking heaven crew said...

8 years and it's Still Here!

Unknown said...

Nice work. I have a question for acme. Just wondering if you're the same acme that came to visit me in Washington DC about 10 years ago with my man Arnie.

seeking heaven crew said...

same ACME that visited you in DC 10yrs back! how've you been?!


seeking heaven crew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

That's great! I've been good, living in Chicago. I've got a friend here - Gape - that's really into the Graf scene in Chicago and I was telling him about you and what I remembered of your work.

Do you ever see Arnie? I lost contact with him, so if you see him, tell him Chris Browning said hello.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the wall is still there,... they just built a 2 story garage in front of it though!. I went by there to show someone the wall who doesn't write and there was a dumpster in front of my DreOne. Keeps you humble.

Unknown said...

Develop interests in life as you see it, in people,
things, literature, music-the world is so rich,
simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful
souls, and interesting people. Forget yourself.